Tuesday, April 19, 2011

Through the voice of a friend.

I have been a writer most of my life but not long ago I had an experience that really touched my heart.

A friend of mine for many years invited me to go to a writers club meeting with her. At the meetings you print up a few things you have written and then everyone lets you know what they think about it. Also you are supposed to read one of your writings aloud for the group which I had no desire to do lol

My friend offered to read my writing for me. I was glad to not have to be the one reading so said sure. As I sat there that evening listening to my dear friend speak my words I was moved beyond belief. Firstly I had never heard anything I have written read aloud and especially not by a friend.

 The experience was made more awesome because of who this friend was, because I knew that on some level she could actually understand what I had put on paper.

Then I began to think about this experience for days. Wondering what it would be like if I could speak the words for other people that are hurting but can't seem to find their voice to express them? What would it mean to just one lost soul to hear someone speak their words for them? To know that at least one person really did understand, did care.

Could I care enough to stop and really hear what they are saying? Could I lay down my judgments and expectations long enough to see the real person?

I care! Ask me why!

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