Monday, May 28, 2012

Yet again..

Well once again I face being homeless.

One of my roommates has to move to Florida to care for a parent that recently had a stroke.

Then Friday we were informed that my other roommate no longer has a job due to the store closing its doors. There is not enough time for her to find new employment & get her first check before our rent will be due.

Seeing I only make $700 a month, me paying our $650 rent is impossible.

As much as I would like to relocate, I still have to pay to get my van fixed which will be close to $400.

Without the van working I would be left to make it on foot.

I asked a few people to help by making a phone call or two in order to help us find a cheap place to stay until roommate could find a new job. Apparently that was too much to ask.

As of May 31, 2012 I will be homeless along with my roommate. From the looks of things we will be stuck living in my van.

So if you don't hear from me for awhile that is why.

I am really tired of trying. Have spent years helping others only to get shit on in the process.

"What about your vision?"

Glad you asked. My vision died within your lies.

Thanks for nothing.

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